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Important Astrology Events

Mercury in Leo Forecast

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo ignites the fires of our mind, infusing our thoughts with a captivating brilliance that demands attention...

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Forecast

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

It’s Mercury’s third backwards dance this year, with a 4th and final retrograde coming up in November 2024. This is a hy...

Venus in Virgo Forecast

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo indicates that, after much critical examination, you will probably choose a partner who is socially accep...

New Moon in Leo Forecast

New Moon in Leo

The New Moon in Leo invites us to embrace the radiant power within us, igniting the fire of our creativity and self-expr...

Chiron Retrograde in Aries Forecast

Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer" in astrology, holds a significant influence over our inner wounds, healing process...

Mercury in Virgo Forecast

Mercury in Virgo

Quick-witted Mercury, the messenger of the gods, gracefully enters the discerning realm of Virgo on July 25th. Mercury w...

Sun in Leo Forecast

Sun in Leo

Cancer Season, with its nurturing and introspective energy, served as a momentary pause for self-reflection and reconnec...

Full Moon in Capricorn Forecast

Full Moon in Capricorn

A second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn unfolds on July 21st, at the 29th degree. This degree is known as 'Anaretic'...

Mars in Gemini Forecast

Mars in Gemini

As Mars enters Gemini on July 20th, it brings a dynamic and intellectually stimulating energy. Mars, known as the planet...

Venus in Leo Forecast

Venus in Leo

As Venus moves out of Cancer and into Leo on July 11th, the energy shifts from a need for security, emotional connection...

New Moon in Cancer Forecast

New Moon in Cancer

Strength lies in the ability to be vulnerable. This is the potent message of July 5th’s New Moon in Cancer. The co...

Mercury in Leo Forecast

Mercury in Leo

As Mercury enters Leo on July 2nd, it embodies a grand placement fit for royalty and leaders. Leo's passionate communica...

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces Forecast

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

For the next five months, Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and illusion, turns retrograde in Pisces, beginning ...

July Monthly Horoscope Forecast

July Monthly Horoscope

July 2024 ushers in a dynamic period of significant astrological influences, inviting us to explore new dimensions of in...

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces Forecast

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

For the next four and a half months, Saturn, the planet of karmic lessons, turns on his heel and makes his way backward ...
