September Monthly Horoscope


September will be a much more quiet month and not so crazy as August, however the energy that was initiated through the Solar Eclipse on the 21st of August will continue to be activated in September and the months to come. 

Mercury in Retrograde, ruler of Virgo moves back into Leo on the 31st of August and will conjunct Mars on the 3rd of September it will also Trine to Uranus. This week returns to lessons we learned over the last eclipse. Lessons that are still working their way through our systems. Lessons that are still letting themselves be known. Lessons that are still too new to make use of. Mercury how you communicate, Mars is how you act and Uranus stimulates new ways of thinking. These three activating the eclipse point together creates communications and actions that are volatile and boundary-breaking. With Mars in fiery Leo until the 5th, watch out for issues around anger, selfishness or overextending yourself physically.

Mercury stations direct on the 5th of September just before the Full Moon, ending its three-week retrograde. It turns at the same degree as last month’s solar eclipse (28° Leo, bringing insights about how to move forward with our eclipse intentions. Be aware that the energy is most powerful at the time of turning direct. Deeper truths are revealed at Mercury’s station, giving us more information to work with.

 Just the next day ahead we have the Full moon September 6th in Pisces. The main concepts are spirituality, idealism, dreams, illusion, deception, weakness, confusion and vagueness. How will Neptune influence affect your mood and close relationships? Amplifying and intensifying Piscean themes, the Full Moon closely conjoins Neptune. You may pick up the wrong signals so be cautious, you will be more vulnerable to deception,victimization or scandal. The Pisces solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 was also conjunct Neptune, a seed-planting for a dream or vision that may now come to fruition. 

The new moon on Wednesday September 20, 2017 is at 27 degrees Virgo. The Virgo New Moon invites us to call our power back into our bodies, get focused on reality, and take steps to perfect and heal what’s right in front of us

Our ability to respond to dramatic world events depends on our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Discernment is one of Virgo’s gifts, so take a look at what in your life is nourishing and what is toxic and ready to be released.