

Animal Totems

Native peoples of many countries have animal spirits that play a very important part in their lives. In Chinese astrology all the signs are animals and in western astrology most of the signs are animals.

By getting to know your animal totem, you can gain insight and understanding of your own life circumstances more clearly, and share in the totem power or 'medicine'. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that will align to forces of the spiritual realm that are influencing your life.


Dogs are not uncommon in folklore and mythology. They are often seen as companion animals to heroes, gods or goddesses, or are depicted as creepy, foreboding creatures who stalk the night. Dogs usually play the role of loyal helpers and friends of men in Native American folklore, just as they do in most other world mythology. Many Native American folktales have to do with the proper treatment of dogs-- people who are kind and generous to their dogs are often rewarded, while people who abuse, disrespect, or even annoy dogs are harshly punished.

As a descendant from the Asiatic Wolf man’s relationships with dogs goes back over 40,000 years and then it was the 11th sign of the Zodiac where it represented symbols both positive and negative. In some ancient civilizations the Dog was a symbol of the underworld. In Egypt, the guardian of the dead was Anubis who was a dog-headed god. The jackal portrayed as black was the symbol of both death and regeneration.

Dogs are symbols of protective powers and loyalty, so the Cheyenne tribe had a group of warriors called dog-soldiers who were in charge of protecting and guarding the village. They were essentially watchdogs of the tribe and territory. The Dog’s quality made it associated to a guardian and therefore the protector of souls that entered the underworld. Its ability see well in the dark makes it a symbol of instinctive knowledge and the Greeks.

Dog Dream Meaning

To dream of a dog represents feelings about areas of your life where you are emotionally protective. Positively, a dog reflects emotional self-defense. How you choose to confront a negative situation while keeping confident. Something you can rely on in yourself or in others to protect you or keep problems at bay. Negatively, a dog reflects loss of self-control over instincts and urges. Powerful sexual urges or vicious anger towards another person. Heated arguments.