Jupiter Inconjunct Pluto

"I am open to embracing new beliefs and ideas, allowing my personal growth to flourish in harmony with the evolving world."

Embracing new perspectives
Expanding your world view
Reflecting on personal beliefs
Exploring alternative perspectives

Jupiter Aspects

Jupiter represents our expansive qualities and our abilities to improve ourselves. It is a planet of plenty and seeks insight through knowledge. It is the planet of possibility. A well aspected Jupiter is normally associated with good luck and in more negative associations with blind optimism, excess and overindulgence. In your chart Jupiter reveals how you express your sense of giving and tolerance and how you go about improving your life.

Jupiter Inconjunct Pluto

This indicates that your personal philosophy and attitudes will condition your life, and because they tend to be fixed and dogmatic can serve to bring you into conflict with others. This philosophy or set of beliefs will either be 'self-created' or tend to reflect older, more traditional religious dogma; either of them is likely to be out of phase with much of contemporary life and social development.
You will either express a peculiarly unique and personally individual outlook or be willingly absorbed within a traditional structure. Basically, you are likely to be antagonistic to the modern world, believing that it is taking the wrong direction, and will be inclined towards a desire to reform the outer world and people so that they begin to conform to your world vision.
There is a tendency towards mental arrogance, a certainty of your own way being right as opposed to the ways of others; and you are unlikely to be receptive to alternative beliefs and new ideas. You will be an active exponent of your way, expressing it forcefully to others, either by a challenging of their beliefs or by attempts at conversion; you feel that you have a mission to perform, and this conviction gives you the inner strength to continue.
If rejection occurs, you tend not to use that experience to re-evaluate your beliefs, but inwardly reassert your own sense of righteousness. Whilst it may appear that your own system of belief is intellectually founded, the truth is that it is rooted deep in your emotions, and you feel its personal meaning very intensely, thus whilst attempting to challenge and persuade others, you maintain a barrier to outer challenges against yourself.
You are afraid that if your belief structure cracked and began to fall apart, then your inner cohesiveness as a personality would too, as your identity is so intertwined with your own beliefs.
To some degree, most people are in a similar situation to yourself, where self-identity is defined by beliefs, opinions, attitudes, thoughts, emotions and body; in defending personal convictions you are defending yourself. It may be that your belief is not obviously religious; it could easily be political.