Uranus Sextile Pluto

"I am capable of fostering positive change through my actions and standing up against injustice."

Stimulating social improvement and clarity
Positive boost for collective
Demanding quality leadership and change
Resisting abuses of power

Uranus Aspects

Uranus represents our intuitive abilities that spurs invention. It is associated with progressiveness, objectivity, ingenuity and revolution. It is forever looking ahead and shuns tradition and instead celebrates originality and change. In your chart the position of Uranus and the planets it aspects will indicate what areas of your life need to be redefined as well as challenged. If badly aspected it could indicate instability or denial of responsibility

Uranus Sextile Pluto

The sextile aspect occurred in the midst of World War II; and it could be considered that the nature of the energy released during 1942-1946 was a positive boost to the Allied forces at the time, as it stimulated their cohesiveness and commitment to fight against the oppressive Nazi regime.
If actually applied in the world, the tendencies which are associated with the sextile would help bring about social improvement and clarity within government and publicly representative bodies. It invokes a natural voice of the people to object against social injustice and hypocrisy, to resist dictatorial abuses of power and influence emanating from central government, and to expose corruption whenever it occurs in high places. It embodies the dichotomy between the individual and the State, wherein the State should reflect the democratic will of the people, and be the elected servant of the people, and yet in real life becomes an independent entity dominated by power-blocs and influential political parties which perceives itself to be superior to the people and often ignores their demands. The political elite is often quite dismissive of the general public, believing that it has the machinery and power to manipulate the social consciousness as it wills, and invariably wishes that what often passes as democracy did not exist to get in its way.
Unfortunately, the analysis of public apathy and the elite's ability to manipulate social attitudes is often correct and serves as a reactionary barrier to social progress. However, one tendency of this aspect is to expect and insist upon a high quality of governmental leadership, a belief that those in positions of authority and social influence should express the highest ideals, morals and values of the society they represent; if not, they should be replaced.
A shift in this direction, assuming such quality people made themselves available, could stimulate a major change in society; it is a prerequisite for the new vision to appear in the future. Preserving and expanding the nature and depth of freedom in the world is an ongoing struggle, in the West as in the East, as there are many who wish to see it destroyed for self-centered reasons.
Of interest during these war years was the rapid development of the Manhattan project, and the birth of the atomic bomb, which demonstrated the sudden 'lightning flash' quality of Uranus both in the scientific intuitions and insights needed to create the technology and in the physical demonstration of its effect. This links with Pluto's negative social face, which confronts us with a choice of two forms of transformation, negative and positive, collective destruction or collective unifying change.
The way forward obviously depends on public activism or apathy, and on the quality of social leadership and the nature of the conditioning attitude, separatist or unitive. Thus, the circle turns to confront us with those tendencies associated with the sextile aspect, which, collectively, we are still facing.