Saturn in Aries

"I am capable of healing and embracing my true self, overcoming challenges and finding inner peace."

Being comfortable with yourself
Focusing on identity and self-growth
"Developing a healthy ego
Giving yourself enough ""me"" time"

Saturn in Aries

The body is a very strange place. There are so many different bodily systems and they all connect with each other and communicate with one another. For you, however, there can be a sense at some point in your life of your body betraying you and with this placement headaches, troubles with your bones, joints or skin, depending on the rest of your astrology. It’s very helpful for you to work towards embodiment and healing the body in this life and one of your lessons to do so.

Early life bullying, either by caregivers or peers, is very common under this type of energy. This can bring on an immense feeling of self-consciousness and can cause you to be very critical, both towards yourself and others. A sense of shyness and awkwardness can plague you until you work towards healing and cultivation after which you become so much more comfortable and at ease in your own skin.

You may find it challenging to trust yourself because you were programmed to override your instincts in early life. Usually when you learn what they sound like and you listen to them, you find that they’re absolutely on point with what your spirit needs you to know. Trust in self is a huge and worthwhile lesson.

You may be very selfless if the rest of your chart supports it. To be unselfish, you have to have a self to give away, so delving into who you are and why you’re here and embracing “sacred selfishness” comes highly recommended. Coming to terms with any fears that you may have can assist you with self-acceptance. The danger with this placement is the egoic urge to cling to the superficial aspects of reality rather than taking a deep look within yourself to bring up some of the gems.

You may be challenged with control issues. The need to control may be expressed in an indirect or subtle way, rather than overtly. This can indicate a difficult time with surrender and can cause you to take on way too much responsibility. This placement is the one to count on, always doing what you say that you are going to do, very dependable. However, this can sometimes be to your detriment as burnout is a potentiality with this Saturn, as are other stress-related health challenges.

It’s recommended for you with this Saturn placement to focus on embodiment through practices like yoga, tai chi, qigong or simply going for a walk or a run. Any form of inward reflection like therapy, journaling, reflection and meditation can only help you.