Saturn in Taurus

"I embrace my worth and value, cultivating a balanced relationship with wealth and recognition of the value in others."

Hard work paying off
Developing healthy relationships
Healing self-worth
Overcoming money blocks

Saturn in Taurus

With Saturn in Taurus, you may struggle with embodiment and taking up physical space. This can manifest as disordered eating or other sensory and physical complications, stemming from a past life wound of scarcity. The root of this struggle lies in worth, abundance, and enoughness.

You may be focused on amassing material possessions and working hard for every cent, leading to hoarding tendencies. Alternatively, you may renounce material possessions and consider money to be evil. Both extremes stem from an unhealthy, disembodied state.

Self-worth and valuing yourself are key lessons with this placement. Saturn may undervalue your time, energy, and resources, causing you to grasp or renounce the material without addressing the underlying psychological component.

Fear of poverty and scarcity can apply to relationships as much as to your bank account. Whether you give too much to undeserving people or keep relationships transactional, your approach reveals your lesson. Mastering this Saturn lesson leads to a balanced relationship with wealth, positive self-worth, and recognition of others' value.

To navigate this placement, consider parental healing, therapy, reflection, or energy work. Addressing inherited beliefs about money, possessions, and relationships is crucial. Creating and sticking to a budget or allowing yourself to spend appropriately can also be helpful.