Transit Mercury in 11th House

"I am open to examining my goals and values, seeking clarity and embracing the perspectives of others, allowing unconventional ideas to flow and recognizing their latent potential."

Reforming Your Life Goals
Finding Your Independent Life Direction
Evaluating the Unconventional
Reflecting Honestly

Transit Mercury in 11th House

With Transit Mercury in the Eleventh House, you will be more inclined to focus on your goals and expectations. You will need to examine your ideals and values and decide whether they need some refinement.
Are your goals aiming at the right thing?
Do they serve your own purposes in life, or somebody else’s?
And what exactly is your purpose in this life?
It’s a good time to discuss these topics with your close friends and family.
It’s also a good time to listen to the doubts they have about their life paths, as during this transit you’ll also feel more open to others. Hearing of other people’s struggles will bring valuable perspective to your own, and enable you to see them far more clearly.
Your ideas at this time will often be quite unconventional, so try not to abruptly react against them. Let the ideas come, and just write them down without judging them. Later you can do the evaluation, and you’ll be better able to distinguish the valuable and unconventional, from what’s unconventional and of no value.
Look out too for the idea that have latent potential, potential that a little more attention could help you make reality.