Transit Sun in 12th House

"Embrace the depths within, for within lies the wisdom that shapes our journey of self-discovery and allows us to become whole."

Dealing with Chaos
Envisioning Futures
Having Compassion for Yourself
Being Honest with Yourself

Transit Sun in 12th House

During this transit, it is a time for introspection rather than action. Dive deep into reflection, moving beyond the limitations of the mind. Connect with your subconscious, where your true wisdom resides.

The hidden aspects of your being influence the surface of your life. Embrace the subconscious mind, as it will guide your self-evolution and provide insights into your past. Integrate both the light and the shadow within yourself to emerge as a more whole individual.

Avoid getting caught up in your ego. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses without judgment. Reflect on how your actions and behaviors are shaped by past experiences.

Remember, anything you avoid confronting will continue to impact your life unconsciously. Embrace this opportunity to delve into the depths of your being, and you will navigate the challenges and opportunities of this transit with grace and authenticity.

Reflect on how you can embrace the depths of your subconscious mind during this transit. How can you integrate all aspects of yourself without judgment? What steps can you take to explore your past and gain insights into your self-creation process?