Transit Sun in 1st House

"Embrace your self-centered moments, for they hold the key to your progress and understanding. Take time for yourself and let your creative expression lead you to the answers you seek."

Expressing your creative energy
Exploring self-expression through creativity
Not Being Too Headstrong
Being Patient with Others

Transit Sun in 1st House

With Transit Sun in the First House, you may find yourself overly concerned with your own personal matters, and may even be acting a little more self-centered.
But this could be a good thing.
This could be what you need to go through in order to understand what you have to do to progress further in life. A little me time is important for everyone.
That urge you feel to express yourself... this will lead you to the answers.
Channel your energy into creative acts and brainstorming. Ask yourself a lot of if-questions.
If I had my financial situation taken care of for the rest of my life, how would I pass my days? If I didn’t have to worry about social judgement, what would I be doing with my life? And why exactly don’t I dare to do it now?
It's a great time for making an impression on others. So don’t be afraid to share your ideas and explore collaboration.
It’s only through collaboration that we can truly pioneer the new. And although you may find it harder to work with people, if you keep their feelings in mind, you can get better at it.
Patience with others will help build the personal connections that will help you thrive far into the future.