Sun in Gemini

Geminis readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. The Twins are the astrological symbol of Gemini. Adopting a twin-like similarity to other people is easy for Geminis. They not only have a unique ability to understand what others are thinking, they also possess great cleverness for imitation. They can also lose sight of their own talents and ideas by being too willing and able to adopt the traits and immerse themselves in the personal situations of others. Geminis react intellectually to everything they experience in life. Mercury, planet of the intellect (and communication in general) rules the sign Gemini. Those born with Sun in Gemini are talkative, quick witted, and have innate curiosity about everything. The sign of Gemini is thought to be very adaptable and flexible, sometimes to the point of "being" two different personalities