Mercury in Libra


Libra is set to get a major boost of energy as Mercury, planet of communication and the intellect, enters this sign to stay for just over two months.

Starting on August 30th and going all the way up until November the 5th, our minds are going to be on Libra-like topics, topics such as love, relationships, money, beauty, values and most of all, balance.

The reason why Mercury is making his home here for such a long time is due to his retrograde period, which will happen from 27 September until 18 October. This is the third and final retrograde for the year, and any cardinal planets and points between 25 and 10 degrees of Libra will be activated.

Libra is the halfway point of the zodiac, and so represents the scales as well as justice, fairness and equality. More so, Libra is all about the “other”. Being the sign opposite to individually-driven and assertive Aries, Libra seeks to please everyone else over and above herself, and will bend over backwards to keep the peace.

And so, with Mercury here, our words will become gentle, soothing, peace-keeping and full of diplomacy. Asserting our own opinions may take a backseat to allow others to have their say, and we can find ourselves eager to reach a point of agreement, even if it involves a debate – something that Libra loves to do.

With this in mind, it’s the perfect time to be doing any negotiations, whether professional or personal, negotiations which help everyone to feel as if they’ve won. Libra isn’t about taking all the power – no, it’s about sharing the throne. Libra knows that teamwork is key and is happy to make the sacrifices necessary to make it work. Relationships can take on a special meaning and importance during this period, and we can be more focused than ever on making and keeping our partners and loved ones happy.

With Libra being the sign of balance, our minds will be seeking to find exactly that in every area of life, especially when it comes to our finances and resources. Drawing up a budget and figuring out how to attain more material harmony can be something we approach with much greater ease and grace, yet there’s also the sense that we can indulge, just a little. After all, Libra does love pleasure, being a Venus-ruled sign.

And, with Mercury joining up with abundant Jupiter not once, but on three occasions during his time in Libra, we’re all likely going to be feeling a boost of positivity and uplifting thought. This triple-time aspect will also bring along easy and thoughtful communication, growth-provoking debate and the ability to integrate what we may be learning in our relationships with our life’s philosophies.  We’ll be more able to expand our minds during these two months to be more inclusive, kind, considerate and tolerant.

The challenge of Mercury’s transit through Libra can be tendency to overemphasize the importance of others’ ideas over our own, and the compulsive need to seek validation instead of making up our own minds. Indecision is often the pitfall of Libra, indecision which can make many of us seem flighty and non-committal.

This is a hurdle that we’ll need to consciously move through, instead of repressing or diverting a decision. We’ll also need to be mindful of superficial reassurances and conversations, conversations that avoid getting into the real muck of the matter. Luckily, Mercury’s arrival in transformative and intense Scorpio at the beginning of November will enable us all to do just that.