Venus in Leo


Venus moves out of Cancer and into Leo on June 5th shifting the energy from a need for security, emotional connection, and emotional fulfilment to a need for more affection, physical connection, and playfulness. We may be feeling more passionate, warm-hearted and demanding. A strong need for love, seeking to be admired, craving physical touch, compliments, and gifts. It’s a really good time to focus on self-love, as we crave the need to be loved and admired. Be wary of feeding into the ego energies of seeking external validation, its important we don’t rely on others to fill the void. Fill yourself up with love, compliments, treat yourself to little gifts.

 Take the time to appreciate yourself, bring some new self care rituals into your daily routine – positive affirmations, mirror work, or a love letter to yourself. Our ability to express our love & feelings more confidently and boldly will be on the increase as well as a need to be more honest with others and ourselves.

 In relationships, we may be craving more excitement and playfulness, we’re over being so serious and ready to stir up some drama and excitement in our love lives. Venus also rules finances, and when in Leo we can be a lot more generous with money. A great time to treat yourself, pamper yourself, treat yourself like the royalty you are! It’s a really good time to work on building up your own confidence. Working on knowing you are loved and are worthy of love. Leo’s also love to show off, if you are in a relationship you may really feel called to shower your partner with love, affirmations and gifts.

 A need to be really grand, bold and spontaneous, wanting to be the best and showing others how amazing you truly are. Sexual desires may also be on the increase, it may be more difficult to separate sex from love at this time. During this transit we really just want to feel loved and appreciated. Leo’s are also quite the romantics, it’s a great time to really spice up your love life with a bit of romance and new adventures.