August Monthly Horoscope
August starts off rather quietly with the Leo New Moon arriving on August 8th. Any intentions that we set now absolutely have to come from the heart space, despite restrictions or limitations that may be placed upon us at the moment.
Leo is all about digging deep into our most dearly held desires and staying authentic and true to ourselves. The question to ask ourselves over this New Moon is how we can create a more joyful, playful and expressive world, despite the challenges facing us.
Mercury will join Mars in Virgo on August 11th. Mercury in Virgo gives an intelligent, strong, versatile and analytical mind with great powers to attend to detail. You have a good memory and the ability to think practically and constructively. Your mental disposition is well-suited to demanding intellectual work
Venus enters Libra on August 16th and is a time to really up the self love, to learn to be more independent vs co-dependent, and to learn to no longer rely on others for validation, but to learn to validate ourselves and fill up our own cup, with love, compassion and abundance. If you are in a relationship during this transit it’s a great time to assess any imbalances within the relationship, is one partner giving more and one partner receiving more?
Uranus moves into retrograde motion on August 19th. This will provide an amazing opportunity to review the areas of radical change that are occurring in our personal lives as well as the global changes we are currently experiencing. The energy will evoke a strong desire to eliminate any obstacles to our future growth.
August 22nd brings a very unusual second consecutive Full Moon in Aquarius. This is a time when we are super focused on creating our future..Due to the aloof nature of Aquarius, we feel a longing for more independence in the individual expression of our ideas. At the same time, also accepting the diversity of others, in true humanitarian form.
Virgo Season also starts on the same day on August 22nd. This season brings sense of harmony comes from doing something useful, preferably for others. Although you may give the impression of being emotional, reserved and cool.
Mercury will jump into Libra on August 30th. This can bring some indecisiveness now, simply because you naturally entertain opposing viewpoints. You have a strong desire to cooperate and communicate with others now. You feel most comfortable spending time with people on a one-to-one level, or with those with whom you share a personal history. Your own thoughts become clearer through dialogue with others.