July Monthly Horoscope


July 3rd welcomes a strong, grounded and abundant Full Moon in Capricorn. Why abundant? Isn’t Capricorn known for being a cautious and realistic sign, not exactly prone to bursts of expansion? Well, the reason of this is because Jupiter, Archetype of growth and generosity, is angled to this Full Moon via a flowing, easy trine aspect. This soften and ripens the stern energy of Capricorn, inviting material opportunities and fruitful culminations. Look back to December 2022. What began around that time? What intentions were planted then? How are those intentions paying off right now? Jupiter tends to bring copious rewards – he is the Giver of Gifts, after all. In Taurus, Jupiter is all about physical gains – money, security, property, work stability and so on. This energy is also about enjoying the pleasure of having done a good job – which is what Capricorn symbolizes.

When Mars journeys through Virgo on July 10th, decision-making tends to slow down, leading to heightened efficiency. However, the darker side of this transit could inflame Mars' fiery nature, making us more susceptible to taking criticism to heart, even when it's meant to be constructive. This reaction originates from deeply ingrained defensive mechanisms that could potentially awaken previously dormant control issues.

Mercury in Leo on July 11th embodies a grand placement, fit for royalty and leaders. The communication style of Leo is passionate, exuding warmth and carrying an air of dignity and authority. Transitioning from the nurturing waters of Cancer, Mercury in Leo channels the protective and proud energies of a father figure. This energy is masculine and active, inspiring us to take the stage and address a broad audience.

The New Moon in sensitive Cancer on July 17th brings with it the potential for enormous change and evolution. La Luna is right at home in this sign of her rulership, thus reflecting the potential for a deeper connection to our innermost needs. Angled in a powerful, applying opposition to Pluto – within just three degrees – it’s also not a New Moon for the faint of heart. Pluto is now ensconced at twenty-nine degrees of Capricorn, a degree that this Archetype of the Underworld has been dancing in and out of since February this year and will only finish up visiting in November 2024.

The North Node of integration and destiny moves into Aries on July 17th and can indicate that people may take on a bit more self-centered and individualistic energy. Self-preservation is not at all a bad thing and is a beneficial space to occupy for this transit. People will generally be concerned with and less likely to sacrifice their individual rights and freedoms and likely we will see continued uprising around this in the world. Repressing anger will not be helpful or useful, nor taking it out on others, so finding a healthy outlet is a great choice. Aries also represents military action, so it’s likely we could see a continuation of this in 2023 and beyond.

Cancer Season, with its nurturing and introspective energy, served as a momentary pause for self-reflection and reconnecting with our inner selves. As the Sun moves into Leo, the vibrant and confident energy of this fixed Fire sign takes the center stage. From July 22nd, we are encouraged to embrace our individuality, express our talents, and bask in the warmth of self-assuredness. Leo, ruled by the Sun and representing the 5th house in astrology, offers us the opportunity to showcase our authentic gifts with childlike enthusiasm and joy.

For the first time since 2015, Venus – otherwise known as the mythological Inanna or Aphrodite, Goddess of Love - is going retrograde in fiery Leo. Starting on July 22nd and ending September 3rd, her journey takes us deep into the netherworld of relationships during the forty days and forty nights of her backwards dance. This planet of love, relating, values and beauty only goes retrograde every eighteen months, returning to the same sign every eight years. This eight-year period is significant. It aligns with the almost-eight-year cycle of Saturn, bringing about important changes in our connections. Yet, when any planet is retrograde, there is a cosmic calling to stay our hand from action, lest we make a mistake and have to re-write the story once said planet has gone direct.

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer" in astrology, holds a significant influence over our inner wounds, healing processes, and spiritual growth. When Chiron goes retrograde on July 23rd 2023, it intensifies its energy, creating a powerful period for self-reflection and healing. This retrograde motion invites us to delve deep into our past wounds, unresolved issues, and emotional traumas. It's an opportunity to bring these hidden aspects of ourselves to the surface, confront them with compassion, and initiate profound healing and transformation.

Finally, Quick-witted Mercury, the messenger of the gods, gracefully enters the discerning realm of Virgo on July 28th. During this celestial sojourn, Mercury's energetic influences encompass the delivery of messages, the quality of travel, the nature of thought patterns, and the style of communication. As we transition from the domain of fixed fire, ruled by the radiant Leo, to the mutable earth realm of Virgo, a subtle transformation awaits us. These realms of our existence shall become more supple and grounded, embracing the ever-changing demands of life.