New Moon in Capricorn


The New Moon in Capricorn on 2 January at 1.33pm comes at the perfect time. It’s a double-dose of fresh beginnings, and the ideal moment to realistically and pragmatically plan our year ahead.

New Moons have a 6-month effect, and thus, it’s wise to steer our course into 2022 with both feet firmly planted on the earth. Yet, we also have to make sure that we are straddling the material and the mystical with equal care. Capricorn, the mystical Sea-Goat, is the one and only zodiac sign that holds both worlds in perfect balance. Reality and magic collide in Capricorn and we are gently reminded with this New Moon that all is possible.

Closely configured to La Luna is a strong, exciting trine to Uranus, the planet of rapid and exciting change. Only two degrees apart, this aspect has quite a lot of power to affect the outcome of our intentions, outcomes which could be uncertain with Uranus involved. This planet has the power to turn things around one hundred and eighty degrees – in either direction. Fortunately, with trine aspects, it’s generally a positive turn of events.

The way in which we can proactively work with the energy of Uranus at this Capricorn New Moon is by building freedom and flexibility into our dreams, goals and plans. We need to make plenty of room for surprises and promise ourselves that we will adjust to the surprising situations that will undoubtedly arise as a result of our goal-setting. Above all, we need to ensure that our own liberation is a part of our future goals. That we will be able to express ourselves in the most authentic and unique way in the future to come.

With Capricorn traditionally being the sign of profession and career, it’s good idea to plant our New Moon intentions around this topic. If you’ve been wanting to show up as more of an individual and make your mark, or perhaps craved more flexibility in the work you do, now’s the time to ask for it. Ask, and you shall receive, promises this New Moon. But don’t be too fussy as to the outcome, because Uranus may have some other plans to throw into the mix. As it’s said: “Not getting what you want can be a wonderful stroke of luck.’

Those who have important planets and points around 10 -14 degrees of the cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra, you’re going to feel this the most. Look out for major developments in your career, domestic life, relationship and personal world.

As for the rest of us, we can maximize on the ever-changing potentials of this lunation. With Jupiter having moved into Pisces and sitting at 00 degrees, it could feel like anything could be achieved in this New Year. That we are blessed by the gods at last, and perhaps in some ways, we are. 2021 has put many of us through the ringer with its unexpected plot twists, but we have resilience and endurance now – there’s no sign that’s more enduring than Capricorn, no sign that tries harder – and succeeds. Let us harness this ability to climb the highest of mountains and use it to help us go further than we’ve ever gone before in the year to come.