2023 Yearly Horoscope


2023 will be an astrological year to remember with some major plantary changes that will bring about profound changes to the world and society in general. The biggest changes are Saturns move into Pisces from collective Aquarius which taught us since 2020 the value of our communities vs the individual and how sometimes we need to meet our unresolved pains in order to free ourselves to move forward and grow again. 

Saturn moves into Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023 and will remain there until February 14, 2026. Interestingly, the archetypes of Saturn and Pisces are vastly paradoxical. Saturn is largely rigid and demands a solid structure, whereas Pisces is an ethereal archetype that represents the spiritual consciousness of having no boundaries. The very concept of reality may become slippery as we do our best to grasp Saturn’s lessons of compassion and healing in the complex ocean of Pisces. Clarity may elude us, making it necessary for us to get comfortable with not having all the answers.

While Saturn was in Aquarius from 2020-2023, we experienced numerous global challenges and various forms of societal limitations. In Aquarius, Saturn was in the element of fixed air, which largely manifested as boisterous opinions and inflexible beliefs. However, in Pisces, Saturn transitions into mutable water, shifting the focus away from the mind and toward our innate emotional sensitivity that is always responding to the ever-changing tides of life. If dissociation was a prime coping mechanism in Aquarius, then Saturn in Pisces is likely to force us to face the consequences of that reality. It is now that we may become acutely aware of the emotional and spiritual healing necessitated by the trauma we have endured.

Pluto moves into Aquarius

On March 23rd, 2023, a major cosmic gear change is happening. Pluto, planet of transformation and evolution, is shifting signs, moving from pragmatic Capricorn into idealistic Aquarius.

Although Pluto will only be here until June 11th before he retrogrades back into Capricorn until his permanent move into Aquarius again on January 21st, 2024, it’s still a palpable energy that’s likely to give us a good idea of what’s to come for the next two decades. Those of us with planets at 00 degrees of Aquarius – especially the Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign– are due for a major and much-needed purge and psychological evolution. Releasing control and surrendering to the process will serve us the best, so that we can empower ourselves and step into our deepest potential. 

Mars moves into Cancer

Date: March 25

After an epic 6 month journey through manic-minded Gemini, Mars will finally sit and calm down, perhaps rather dramatically as it moves into homely Cancer. This transit through the sign of the Crab increases our sense of emotional vulnerability and since our natural protectiveness is stimulated during this time, you may default to fight-or-flight mode with very little provocation. This placement strengthens our domestic nature. You will feel more kind, passionate, protective, emotional or sensitive and have more of a caring nature. Insecurity and fear about the future is a possible negative

Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

Date: April 20

Conjunct Jupiter, this Eclipse has a feeling of luck about it. Whatever we touch can turn to gold and whatever we set out to do, we’ll likely be protected. Ruled by Mars in Cancer - not the best sign for this planet, we’ll still need to ensure that when we start out on our Hero’s Journey, that we do so with assertion and direct motion. Mars in Cancer is sometimes guilty of passive-aggression, but is also capable of achieving great things when we know that what we’re fighting for is meaningful to our hearts – be it a career, relationship or a new personal chapter.

Finally, it’s important to remember that Eclipses oftentimes take something away from us, so that something new can be born. Ask yourself what you can proactively and courageously purge at this point. If change is coming at you, find ways to respond to the situation in a wise and valiant manner. Accessing the Hero/Heroine within is a fundamental lesson of this fiery, bold and brave Solar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Date: May 5

Eclipses themselves generally have a heavy feel. This is because the light from the Sun – symbolizing consciousness – is being, quite literally, blocked out. Thus, we are plunged into our unconscious, making it very easy for very old traumas and hurts to surface especially in the sign of Scorpio.

This process indicates what we have not yet healed, or maybe even what we still carry through our genes, our lineage. Our soul’s karma is often a theme during Eclipses, so it can be extremely useful if we observe with curiosity what arises instead of being in a space of judgment. This will be last eclipse in this dark and shadowy sign and good to reflect where you were at on a soul level when the it occurred on May 16th last year.

Jupiter moves into Taurus

Date: May 16

This sign is blessed enough to be associated with material abundance, strong values, harmony, beauty, love and practicality. During Jupiter’s time here, we may enjoy a time of increased sensuality and pleasure, perhaps even of hedonism. Whilst we can work hard, we’ll probably only do so if there’s promise of a tangible rewards, such as a salary increase or other kinds of material gains. There’s nothing wrong with this – Jupiter in Taurus urges us all to dive into the realms of physical pleasure and enjoy every last delicious drop of it.

Being human is an embodied experience, and so, we need to make sure that we are a dropping into our physicality and experiencing this for ourselves. Any somatic work, such as massage, yoga or dancing, are practices to fully indulge in during this year. Mindful eating will be important, so that we can wholesomely nourish our physical vehicles, too.

North Node moves into Aries

Date: July 17

When the North and South Nodes change signs, it shifts the backdrop both in our world and in our personal lives for 18 months. The North Node is the point based on the moon's ecliptic that indicates where we can benefit from placing our energy and focus and the South Node is a releasing point. These two nodes are the signs that the eclipses are usually in, though 2023 does pose some exception to that as the eclipse on October 28th 2023 is in Taurus. Eclipses are change portals and the nodes indicate what areas of our lives are in transition.

The North Node of integration and destiny in Aries indicates that people may take on a bit more self-centered and individualistic energy. Self-preservation is not at all a bad thing and is a beneficial space to occupy for this transit. People will generally be concerned with and less likely to sacrifice their individual rights and freedoms and likely we will see continued uprising around this in the world. Repressing anger will not be helpful or useful, nor taking it out on others, so finding a healthy outlet is a great choice. Aries also represents military action, so it’s likely we could see a continuation of this in 2023 and beyond.

Solar Eclipse in Libra

Date: October 14

The Solar Eclipse in Libra brings a strong need to create a sense of balance, harmony and peace in our lives. A new beginning and opportunity to set intentions toward creating more balanced habits, routines and ways of living. For some of us we will be focusing on balancing our Masculine and Feminine energies within, to assess where we may have imbalances, where we may be giving too much energy and where we may not be giving enough energy. To then set new intentions to consciously work on bringing balance, harmony and peace into every aspect of your life.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Date: October 28

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse engages in a relatively easy flowing relationship with Pluto, bringing a sense of renewal into the mix. Powerful emotions are likely to bubble to the surface, and we may come to the realization that our feelings about something have drastically changed, and we must honor our truth. What was once working is no longer working, and this Full Moon supports the necessitated process of emotional transmutation and release.