Saturn in 4th House

"I am capable of embracing my inner child and finding healing in the depths of my own emotional growth."

Elevating your intuition
Helping others
Healing your inner child
Cultivating emotional intelligence


The 12 Houses of astrology are symbolic of the all the departments that make up human life. The planets and zodiac signs will manifest themselves most strongly in the sphere of life represented by the House in which they fall on your chart. Houses are not "energies" like the elements or planets, nor do they color the expression of energies like the zodiac signs do. The houses are WHERE these energies are most likely to manifest. The houses are the fields of experience, not the experience themselves.

Saturn in 4th House

There are many manifestations of this Saturn placement, as this area tends to represent the individual, personal unconscious and the depths of the inner world, which requires a lot of emotional growth and healing work and a lot of inward looking. Carl Jung once said “if you don’t make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate,” and that holds true for everyone, but especially this placement.

Your childhood is the first place to look to heal and there are many manifestations of distortion that may have taken place in that space for you. Your parents could have had a difficult relationship with each other, and when you’re a child you do end up absorbing whatever is around you unless your parents teach you how to circumnavigate that, which is the case with almost no one in this day and age. One of the most helpful things you can do is work on parenting yourself ~ inner mother, inner father and masculine feminine polarity work. Due to having to anticipate potential emotional threats in your environment,

Another potential for your childhood is that you may have had to be very responsible due to having very irresponsible parents, either due to addiction or mental health challenges. Inversely, your parents may have been way too serious and expected you to be like a little adult, causing you to suppress a lot of your innermost emotions and childlike impulses. When you do some deep inner work it is very possible to come back to that youthful space, almost like aging in reverse and a return to innocence.

The process of getting there can be very uncomfortable. Having to reconcile with your inner mother and father is no easy feat. To release your grip on all of your responsibilities and your impulse to control, which can manifest itself in many ways is the mountain that you can climb if you want to, to have a profound inner peacefulness and stillness, with no need to control anything at all.

This often manifests as needing to keep things very orderly and tidy around the house, keeping the car maintained, and just having a very clean, pristine life. While the outside may be pristine, the inside… is what needs to be attended to and often can be neglected. You may be pulled into workaholism with this placement and may be a true professional in your field. Especially if you start a family, it’s really good to make sure you don’t turn cold towards your own children, or project your perceived emotional shortcomings onto them.

As you face your darkness, your shadow self and all that is to be found in your unconscious emotional waters, you can become extremely emotionally intelligent. Believe it or not, many therapists, psychoanalysts and trauma specialists have this placement. To arrive at a greater sense of your inner world, a dream work practice is definitely recommended. Other modalities that are great for someone with this Saturn are somatic therapy, craniosacral bodywork, a type of treatment called “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing” therapy or EMDR for short, in addition to practicing regular acts of surrender in your daily life.