Transit Neptune in 6th House

"I embrace the importance of nurturing my health and finding purpose in serving others through my work."

Exploring diverse dietary options
Improving your self-care habits
Overcoming selfish career ambitions
Avoiding dishonest work practices

Transit Neptune in 6th House

This period will emphasize two areas of your life, health and work. It is important to really look after your health as you may be more prone to picking up illness and infections from others. This will be especially true if you have badly aspected planets in your sixth house or other transits may amplify this concern. Poisons from drugs and alcohol or other self-administered drugs for recreation should also be avoided if possible. Your interest in wild and extreme diets could be a focus and it is good to explore different styles of eating and dieting but it is best to observe how they affect your body rather than following a regime for the sake of it. In your work situation it would be ideal if you can work in institutions such as hospitals or refuges or a social service of some kind. If your ego drives are strong, and you wish to advance in your career, you may have frustration here as Neptune is extremely selfless and it is better if you focus on working for others as opposed to your own selfish desires. It is also possible that you may become involved in work that is dishonest even if you are not aware. Avoid get rich quick schemes or if a work opportunity seems too good to be true it probably is, be more skeptical of your employers’ intentions as they may be hiding something from you. If you enjoy your work and do creative things, it will work out well, as you make you work a service to others.