Solar Eclipse in Cancer
The Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 12, 2018 at 20 degrees is influenced by a powerful opposition to minor planet Pluto. This indicates some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship or an event. A solar eclipse opposite Pluto urges you to transform for the better. To evolve your soul so that you may live a better life and experience more satisfaction. It is most common that this would occur through a close relationship, such as a family member, close friend or partner.
This Eclipse will affect people born with personal planets between 16 to 26 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to apply this transformation to your love life, finances or creative work. Hard work and determination will unleash the potential and opportunity held within the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis. The Cancer eclipse trines both Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces a potent activation of all three water
signs that points to the higher potential of this lunation. The addition of cardinal Cancer to the ongoing Jupiter/Neptune trine brings a boost of initiative to take charge and harness the power of imagination.
We may be alerted to patterns of over-nurturing others, or to ways that we close ourselves off to the care that’s available or habits of oversensitivity and hyper-personalizing what’s not really our concern, or the opposite extreme of shutting down our hearts and retreating into our shells. The good news is that there’s plenty of power available at this lunation to shift and release deeply rooted emotional patterns.
Eclipses are extra-powerful lunations signifying accelerated change and growth, and often catalyzing major endings and beginnings. They occur every six months, typically in pairs, but occasionally in three as is the case this summer. The partial solar eclipse in Cancer will be followed by a lunar eclipse and then another solar eclipse. As we enter this extended period of potential upheaval and emotional intensity, we can work with the energies of the first eclipse to drop more fully into a felt sense of home in our bodies and on the planet.
Cancer Moon is the sign of home, family, roots, and foundation. Cancer represents our physical home, as well as our very first home our mother’s womb but in the more universal sense, it also refers to the body as home for the spirit. This Cancer eclipse invites us to nurture and care for ourselves in ways that increase our internal feeling of home. Cancer seeks security and safety, and ultimately the only true security is found within, once our higher self is rooted in our physical being.