Sun in Scorpio


On October 22nd, the Sun plunges into the depths of Scorpio, marking the beginning of one of the most intense and transformative periods of the zodiac year. Scorpio Season arrives hand in hand with Halloween and the powerful energies of Eclipse Season, a cosmic alignment that calls for deep, fierce transformation. This is not a time for the faint-hearted, but for those ready to embrace the darker, more mysterious aspects of life. Scorpio is the sign of the Alchemist, the Shaman, the master of death and rebirth. It demands that we move beyond the superficial and into the core of our being, where we confront our shadows, and through that confrontation, emerge stronger, more whole, and fully integrated.

Fittingly, Halloween—or Samhain in Pagan tradition—falls within Scorpio’s domain. This is no coincidence. The veil between the worlds is at its thinnest during this time, offering us a chance to connect with our ancestors and the unseen realms. Scorpio, more than any other sign, understands the cycles of life and death, and how essential it is to honor both. Whether through ritual, meditation, or reflection, this season beckons us to dive deep, to heal old wounds, and to reconnect with the wisdom of those who came before us. It's a season of powerful spiritual insights and heightened intuition, where the boundaries between the material and the spiritual dissolve, and we can walk between worlds with clarity.

Scorpio, often misunderstood as the sign of power and vengeance, is in reality deeply sensitive and vulnerable. Its strength comes from its willingness to face the truth, no matter how painful. As the season unfolds, we may find ourselves reviewing the bonds we share with others. Scorpio demands authenticity in relationships—either we let go of what no longer serves, or we transform it. Those who have earned Scorpio's trust will find an unwavering ally, but betrayals are not easily forgiven. Scorpio’s sting, once provoked, can leave scars that take a long time to heal. Yet, beyond the intensity, this season is also a perfect time to explore the occult, probe into life’s deeper mysteries, and immerse ourselves in the unseen. The veil is thin, the intuition is sharp, and Scorpio grants us the courage to uncover the truths we’ve long buried.