True Node in Pisces


The wheel of Karma shifts on January 11th, as the Moon’s North and South Nodes enter Pisces and Virgo, otherwise known as the Healer’s Axis, marking a significant shift in our soul’s journey.

From July 2023, the Nodes have been in relationship-focused Aries and Libra, highlighting the balance of the Masculine and Feminine, Independence versus Interdependence.
Relationships came together, broke, and reformed, reflecting a theme of War and Peace, both personally and collectively. As the Nodes shift, the focus transitions from the personal to the transpersonal. It’s time to heal, forgive, and tend to our highest calling while still remaining grounded in the practical world. Relationships are a spiritual path, and now is the time to put into practice all we've learned from past cycles.

The North Node, known in Vedic astrology as Rahu, indicates where our souls yearn toward—what we crave—but also where we may become ravenous and greedy. Known as the Snake’s Head, we often can't get enough of the sign’s themes. The South Node, or Ketu (the Dragon’s Tail), represents an eliminatory energy, where we release, surrender, and let go of old habits and patterns. It’s where we can become drained. One might even compare the North Node to Jupiter (expansion) and the South Node to Saturn (contraction), representing the archetypes of Expansion and Contraction.

However, the Nodal axis isn’t just about these extremes. It’s about creating a sacred balance. There's a pendulum effect here that swings between craving and aversion - the two principles that Buddhism teaches us to avoid—until we find the middle ground: Equilibrium and Peace.

With the Nodes in Pisces and Virgo, there’s a deep craving to escape (Pisces. It’s the ‘urge to merge’, surrender to the Divine, and transcend earthly responsibilities. These yearnings are powerful, yet we must remember the importance of Virgo—coming back to our earthly duties, plans, obligations, and our physical bodies. For as much as we need to nourish our spirits, we must also tend to our minds, bodies, and emotions. The health of our body is just as crucial as the health of the soul.

Over the next 18 months, we will need to release patterns of control, perfectionism, harsh judgment, and overthinking. The South Node triggers Virgo’s shadow, catalyzing hidden neuroses and anxieties around our inherent worth. Our work lies in reaching for Piscean qualities - forgiveness, unconditional love, compassion, ease, and surrender. Here, we need to feel more than think. As the Nodes transit the Healer’s Axis, we are called to be of Sacred Service—to ourselves and the collective. We learn to balance our earthly duties with spiritual connection, serving practically and humbly, while staying connected to our souls, intuition, and Divinity.

The Archetypes of the Mystic (Pisces) and the Healer (Virgo) are both needed now more than ever. During this period, especially over the Eclipses (March, September 2025, and early 2026), these lessons will be emphasized and brought into being. Historically, the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo have propelled our collective evolution, signified by the rise of yoga (2006-2007) and global conversations on climate change. And so, the wheel of karma turns. Our best path forward is to gently surrender into the flow and respond with empathy, compassion, and care.