Full Moon in Aries


The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th is the last lunation before Eclipse Season, which is set to unfold in just two weeks’ time. Urgency and impatience to tie up loose ends and get mind, body and soul ready may be prevalent, and relationships are also likely to take center stage now.

Conjunct the Wounded Healed, Chiron, we are urged to face our triggers, insecurities and shortcomings with bravery and open-hearted vulnerability. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries has a beautiful innocence about it, a touching naivety. This openness is why Aries believes in the best of everyone, and despite their defensive, warrior-like nature, this sign is often hurt much more easily and quickly than most.

Thus, brash aggression becomes a form of protection against any perceived hurt, criticism or attack over this Full Moon. Lowering our weapons is key now, so that we can let more love in – love for Self and love for the Other. Because, opposite to La Luna, is the Sun, and Venus, in gracious Libra. It’s all about the balance now – balance of healthy assertion and gentle compromise. We can’t have it all our way, after all. We are not the center of the Universe. But neither are we the playthings of others, so find the sweet middle ground and hold onto it.  

Relationship healing is also likely to be a prevalent theme during this Full Moon, and many relationships may fall away now. Trust that this is part of the healing process. Letting go is never easy, not for anyone, whether you are the one releasing or being released. Ask yourself now, what is this relationship all about? What is it here to teach me? Does it serve my highest growth? Am I allowing the Other to grow? Are we serving each other’s most authentic, independent and courageous expression of Self?

These are tough questions, no doubt, but Chiron has the ability to not only tear open the wound, but fix it, too. Through the fires of refinement, we emerge victorious, a true Hero (ine) – which is, of course the Archetype of Aries. We may even want to engage the services of a therapist, a healer or a mediator to navigate the fires of this Full Moon.

The ruler of this lunation Mars, currently in his pre-retrograde shadow phase. With this buildup of backward energy, we may be wondering to ourselves which projects, initiatives and tasks we need to release. Bringing things to completion as quickly as possible may help us to overcome any frustrations we may be feeling.

Trusting our instincts is also likely to be crucial, seeing as Mars is in an applying square to Neptune. Aries is known for its honesty, forthrightness and for cutting to the chase. If we collectively tap into this energy and conduct ourselves with absolute integrity, we can avoid the pitfalls of delusional, sometimes deceptive Neptune.  Fortunately, Mars’ trine to Saturn allows us to bring discipline and a playing-by-the-rules attitude, structuring that which seems impossible to structure. The Lord of Karma knows just how to bring wayward Mars into line and with his sextile to the Sun and Venus, there’s certainly the potential to integrate the lessons coming our way