Full Moon in Taurus


On November 15th, the last Supermoon of the year rises in radiant splendor, marking the final of a rare series of four consecutive Supermoons. These Full Moons bring a heightened pull on the Earth, subtly influencing our inner worlds by shifting everything from ocean tides to our emotions, even affecting our sleep cycles and moods. As the Supermoon reaches fullness, it reminds us that both our physical and spiritual landscapes are, in subtle ways, attuned to La Luna’s luminous presence.

This Taurus Full Moon carries an electrifying charge, tightly conjunct with Uranus, the planet of disruption and awakening. Over the past months, we may have been working to establish security and grounding, building foundations in areas like relationships, finances, and home life. Yet Uranus, the “Great Disruptor,” brings a spark of unpredictability, propelling us into a state of flux where old patterns are uprooted and transformation beckons. Under this influence, the steady ground we’ve created could suddenly feel less stable, replaced by a restless urge for something new and exciting. This is a potent moment, as Uranus nudges us to reexamine what’s truly grounding us and whether that grounding still serves us.

However, this Full Moon’s proximity to Algol, the infamous “demon star,” brings a cautionary note. With such a powerful influence so near, the urge for liberation and thrill-seeking may tempt us to abandon caution, to “lose our heads” in the pursuit of freedom. Algol’s presence is a reminder to remain mindful of the delicate balance between wild exhilaration and grounded wisdom. If certain aspects of our lives seem ready to come to a close, particularly those that have stood the test of time, we’re called to accept the change rather than resist it. The Divine may be pointing us toward a release that, while potentially challenging, paves the way for new and deeper roots to grow.

Full Moons represent a culmination of cycles, and under this Supermoon, whatever is ready to be surrendered should be released with gratitude, honoring the path that has brought us to this point. Taurus, a sign of stability and endurance, urges us to plant roots that are not only strong but also sustainable. As Uranus slowly prepares to depart from Taurus over the coming months, it leaves us with profound transformations, especially in areas we once thought unshakable. The tension between Taurus’s desire for stability and Scorpio’s pull for transformation is at the forefront, asking us to gracefully navigate the balance between security and change.

This Full Moon forms a harmonious trine with Pluto, offering an invitation to alchemy—a reclaiming of inner strength amid external shifts. Pluto’s influence grants us the power to transmute challenges into wisdom, to transform endings into fertile beginnings.

Adding to this cosmic mix, Venus, the ruler of Taurus, sits in an earth sign, emphasizing the need to attend to earthly responsibilities and obligations. She forms a square to the Moon’s Nodes, signaling potential turning points in relationships and finances. Under La Luna’s gaze, we are prompted to assess attachments that may be weighing us down. Staying tied to outdated patterns or clinging to financial and relational security at the expense of growth may no longer protect us as it once did. Instead, caution and mindful evaluation are our best allies in navigating this complex Full Moon energy. By considering risks and consequences carefully, we honor Venus’s call for responsible action while embracing the transformative potential of this Supermoon.

Ultimately, this Supermoon invites us to cultivate resilience by letting go of what no longer serves us, allowing new foundations to form that can withstand both the serene and stormy skies ahead. As the Moon’s light wanes, we step into a phase of gentle release, holding space for new roots to grow deeply and securely, in harmony with both the grounded nature of Taurus and the evolutionary spirit of Uranus and Pluto.