May Monthly Horoscope


The heat gets turned up in May as we begin Retrograde Season with Pluto turning retrograde on April 27th. By the time May is over we will have Saturn and Mercury also stationing retrograde!

On the 3rd of May Mercury the Messenger arrives in his home sign of Gemini, to stay for an extended period over his usual two -week visit in a sign. Here, Mercury stays until 11 July, making this a long, 2-month transit!  During this period, it’s going to be absolutely essential to have a good “mental diet”, meaning that we will need to carefully pick the intellectual food we are feeding to our minds. If we don’t, we may become rather anxious and even overwhelmed with information.

Venus also moves into Gemini on May 8th. You may need a lot of social stimulation and can be a bit of a flirt. Jealous and possessive partners turn you off. You are charming, friendly,and enjoy meeting new people. You can be fickle in matters of love and may have a tendency to desire more than one love interest at a time.

There’s a grounding, stable and quite powerful New Moon in Taurus coming our way on the 11th of May. When Lady Luna is in this sign the sign of her exaltation, the Moon is very comfortable, even luxurious and decadent!

Jupiter moves into Pisces on May 13th. Jupiter zoomed past Aquarius and will spend its time in Pisces until July where it retrogrades back into Aquarius for the rest of 2021. We will starting to feel the collective energies shift from community-focused freedom, to including spiritual themes of compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness.

Aquarius and Pisces can work well together, because the both signs really care about the world. We will feel this in our own communities, as well as when it comes to the wider communities that surround us.

Gemini Season begins on May 20th. Geminis readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. The Twins are the astrological symbol of Gemini. Adopting a twin-like similarity to other people is easy for Geminis. They not only have a unique ability to understand what others are thinking, they also possess great cleverness for imitation. 

Saturn stations retrograde on May 23rd. Over the next few months, its probably best to not start any new projects, but to focus on your current goals and plans. You may feel more unproductive and its good to focus on any internal challenges or any personal issues you have not addressed from last year.

On May 26th we have a Luanr Eclipse in Sagittarius! This powerful eclipse will This lunar eclipse makes the point that, whilst we may have strong urges towards freedom, we might not easily access it in the ways we desire. Though we may have become accustomed to setting our sights lower in certain regards, this may still feel frustrating to anyone who believes there is more out there for them. Reaching for new heights is not completely impossible, just that the way is a little harder than ideal, according to the Moon’s separating square from Jupiter in Pisces.

Finally, on May 29th we have Mercury stationing Retrograde in Gemini. For some of us, this Mercury Retrograde are may feel less difficult than normal, simply due to the fact that he’s quite comfortable in Gemini. However, there’s still the usual to expect 
wonky communication, messages getting mixed up, misunderstandings and all-around general delays and frustrations.