October Monthly Horoscope


Whilst October is overshadowed by Venus’s station retrograde, the big stories of this period arise in November, as the nodal axis changes signs and Jupiter arrives back home in Sagittarius. Each of these ingresses provides us with a change of focus and the opening of a new chapter in our lives

The first step towards reconciliation is Venus stationing retrograde in sultry Scorpio on October 5. Venus is retrograde  from October 5 until November 16, For the next six weeks, until November 16 when it turns direct at 25°15' Libra. Issues around shared resources, money, love, and intimacy could bring our emotions to the boiling point. To gain the profound bonding that we crave, we must reveal our shadows. This is a test of our trust and our ability to expose our hearts with raw honesty. Venus retrograde in transit is a time of introspection and reassessment. You will likely become interested in someone or something of value that would bring you pleasure

The New Moon on Monday October 8, 2018 falls at 15° Libra. The New Moon October 2018 astrology is similar to the January 2018 lunar eclipse. They both make exactly the same aspects to Neptune and the minor planet Ceres. Expect to feel more sensitive, sympathetic and comforting towards your loved ones. 

The Full Moon in stable Taurus on October 24 is conjunct Uranus. If we dare to go off the beaten track, there could be unexpected rewards. The opposing Sun’s conjunction with Venus exact on October 26 illuminates the glint of precious jewels in the rich subterranean caverns of Scorpio.

Venus re-enters its ruling sign of Libra on October 31. The Halloween magic of this entire retrograde transit is that Venus can take an ugly relationship situation and transform it into something beautiful. However, we do have to be willing to face our inner demons in order to catalyze the process.