September Monthly Horoscope


September is a threshold, a moment of profound transformation where the old begins to fade, and the new quietly stirs beneath the surface. It’s a time to cleanse and recalibrate, stripping away what no longer serves us and focusing on what truly holds meaning. Relationships deepen, revealing layers of connection and vulnerability that we may have overlooked. The air is charged with a sense of anticipation, urging us to find balance and harmony within ourselves and with those around us. As we move through this month, we are invited to embrace change with open arms, knowing that this is the calm before a powerful, sweeping shift in the fabric of our lives.

Its the last and final retrograde of Uranus in Taurus on September 2nd before he shifts into an entirely new sign on July 7th 2025. This is significant. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, shaking up relationship paradigms, our sense of security, financial stability, agriculture, resources, and more. When he enters Gemini next year, the cosmic energy shifts enormously, ushering in a new and exciting era.

The New Moon in Virgo on also September 2nd is a cosmic nudge to clean up our act. To organize, plan, plot and strategize. The sign of the healer reminds us of the old adage, "Healer, Heal Thyself." For how can we extend our sacred service to others if we haven’t done the work within?

Thus, this Moon is the perfect moment to set wrongs to right, to plan a detox, a purge, a cleanse. This may be a cleanse of our relationships, a cleanse of our bodies, a cleansing of our home, our space, or our professional environment. The calling of this New Moon is to simplify, restrict and refine. Virgo is by no means excessive. So, if there’s anything in our world right now that needs to be curbed, this is the moment for it.

As Mars enters Cancer on September 4th, your focus shifts strongly towards home and family, strengthening your domestic nature. During this transit, you assert yourself with kindness, passion, and a protective, emotionally-sensitive approach. Your energy is primarily channeled into creating a secure home environment and nurturing a loving family. This period emphasizes the importance of emotional connections and the care you provide to those close to you.

Mercury in Virgo on September 9th embodies the essence of meticulousness, analytical brilliance, and a keen eye for detail. Like a master craftsman, this placement highlights the precision and efficiency of the mind, reminding us that every word, every thought, and every action carries significance. Mercury in Virgo encourages us to embrace the power of organization, strive for clarity in communication, and develop a deep sense of discernment. It urges us to harness the energy of the mind and channel it towards productivity, self-improvement, and the pursuit of excellence. With Mercury in Virgo, we are gifted with the ability to transform chaos into order, find beauty in simplicity, and elevate our thinking to a level of refined intelligence. This celestial alignment calls us to embrace the power of knowledge, to be seekers of truth and wisdom, and to cultivate a mind that inspires others with its precision and grace.

It’s the beginning of Eclipse Season with a powerful, emotionally charged Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse lighting up the skies on September 17/18th. This also just so happens to be a Super Moon, the second of four in a row, making this Eclipse especially powerful and intense.

The sextiles to both Pluto and Uranus from La Luna offer opportunities for deeper transformation, evolution, and freedom. These Titan planets are aligned perfectly at this point, illuminating a greater generational picture than we could have ever imagined. This Eclipse is not just about us. It’s about global healing, global surrender, global compassion. When we see our suffering as part of the human condition, we cultivate a deeper love and sensitivity towards ourselves and everyone in our field.

With the Sun entering Libra on September 22nd, the focus shifts towards becoming more adaptable, kind, and well-balanced. Libra's energy encourages a love for order and harmony, making you more refined, courteous, and appreciative of good taste. During this time, you may find yourself desiring the finer things in life and feeling at your best when surrounded by others. Friendships and partnerships take on greater importance, as the connection with others helps you thrive. While there is a heightened need for constant physical and mental stimulation, occasional solitude is essential for maintaining balance. The Autumn Equinox marks a pivotal moment of balance between light and dark, day and night. This celestial event heralds the shift from summer to fall in the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizing a time of harvest, reflection, and preparation for the introspective months ahead. As the Sun crosses the celestial equator, we're reminded of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of finding equilibrium in our own lives. This equinox invites us to honor the changing seasons, express gratitude for the abundance we've received, and consciously release what no longer serves us. It's a powerful time for setting intentions, performing rituals, and aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Earth.

As Venus enters the depths of mysterious Scorpio also on September 22nd, she unveils a profound psychological significance. Venus, the eternal archetype of love and harmony, finds herself immersed in Scorpio's transformative waters, igniting a passionate intensity that resonates within the core of our being. The power of Scorpio allows Venus to explore the intricate tapestry of our desires and attachments, urging us to delve fearlessly into emotional intimacy and vulnerability. During this period, we are invited to embrace the transformative journey of love, where our deepest connections are forged through passion, trust, and soulful authenticity. Venus in Scorpio encourages us to unravel the layers of our emotional landscape, reminding us that true love requires courage, vulnerability, and an unwavering commitment to growth. As we navigate this profound terrain, we are reminded that by embracing the shadows within ourselves and others, we unlock the potential for profound healing and deep connection.

As Mercury, the celestial messenger, gracefully dances through the harmonious energies of Libra on September 26th, it whispers enchanting tales of diplomacy and balance. In this delicate transit, Mercury weaves a tapestry of intellectual finesse and a deep longing for fairness. The influence of Mercury in Libra ignites within us a profound appreciation for the power of words, urging us to choose them with care and utmost grace. This celestial configuration calls upon us to seek equilibrium in our thoughts and communication, to harmonize the scales of understanding, and to cultivate empathy in our interactions. It is a time to transcend the boundaries of our own perspectives, embrace the art of compromise, and find beauty in the exchange of ideas. As we embark on this celestial journey with Mercury in Libra, we are reminded that through balanced words and gentle diplomacy, we have the power to manifest a world of harmony and understanding