New Moon in Aquarius

The first New Moon of 2023, at one degree of Aquarius, invites us all to collectively manifest our ideals, goals, visions and dreams for the future. Being a forward-thinking sign, Aquarius is all about planting both feet firmly in tomorrow. This cosmic energy is perfect for a New Year, and comes at a time when many, if not most of us, are ready to make changes. After all, isn’t that what a New Year’s resolution is all about?

Aquarius also rules the concept of tribe and belonging – questions to ask ourselves at this point might be ‘where do I belong?’, or, ‘is the community I’m a part of still aligned to my values?’. Sitting with these questions is never easy, but with the intellectually intelligent and intuitive energy of this air sign, we’re bound to come up with innovative, original solutions.

Should we find that we are, in fact, no longer aligned to our circles, or that we’re feeling like an outsider, then it’s important to petition the Universe with exactly the kinds of people we wish to attract and hold onto. Making a list of the qualities we seek in our tribe is a grounded and practical step towards creating conscious community.  

The Water Bearer is also the archetype of the Teacher and Student – with this in mind, is there something you wish to learn, a journey of knowledge that you’ve been eager to embark on? if you’ve been waiting for a sign, then this might be exactly it. Signing up for courses, workshops, mentoring, teaching or coaching is something that is likely to make our souls sing and spirits feel fulfilled. Because this New Moon is at the very early degrees of Aquarius, small steps need to be taken, rather than large strides. There’s still much to learn from this sign when it’s in these early degrees. We may leap in too quickly to the future, and take on more than we can handle, especially mentally. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Saturn is the ancient, traditional ruler of this New Moon, and with this planet also seated in the latter degrees of Aquarius, the positive traits of this sign are now unfolding, particularly for those with one of their big three – Ascendant, Sun or Moon – in this sign. Lessons have been learnt and are now ready to be shared in a wise, empowered and authoritative way. Conjunct Venus, Saturn asks that we dedicate and commit ourselves wholly and responsibly to our values, as well as to our relationships. This may feel restrictive at first, but over time, especially the next several months, we’ll begin to see the rewards of our hard work and discipline.

Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is very widely connected to Mercury, illuminating and helping to manifest brilliant plans and ideas, ideas grounded in practical reality. Nonetheless, they are still exciting and growth-provoking. This first New Moon of the year holds endless possibilities, as long as we stay true to the course and are willing to keep learning as we go along.