New Moon in Capricorn
December is book-ended by two New Moons; one having governed the start of the month, on the 1st, and now, one at the end, on the 30th. Sagittarius energy dominated the beginning of December, welcoming in the silly season and the chance to make merry. This was a golden opportunity to kick off an expansive journey of the soul.
Now, it’s Capricorn’s turn. It’s time to ground that energy and get real. To take a minute to focus on our goals and make plans to solidify them, to get down to business—literally. On this penultimate day of 2024, the cosmos is urging a practical take, inviting pragmatism and a realistic tone for the next few months.
This is just what we needed.
Capricorn, as an Archetype, is a mystical one. Half goat, half fish, it translates the creativity of this flowing sea creature and grounds its magic into the real world. Capricorn is one of the few signs that can straddle the mystical and the material. If this resonates, now’s the time to plant the seed and set our course.
Ruling the New Moon is Saturn, planet of karmic lessons. In the sign of Pisces, the true Magus, Saturn has a similar resonance with Capricornian energy. As such, our ability to tune into Divine wisdom, to commune with our souls, is heightened. Yet, we can do this in a way that’s not woo-woo, that’s not tainted with the desire to simply escape. No, Saturn in Pisces supports us in setting clear boundaries and structuring our creative efforts to forge something tangible and lasting.
Saturn is still connected to Jupiter, his antithesis, via a square. Whilst Jupiter is all about untrammeled growth, Saturn is about consolidation. This has been a theme all year, demanding that we pull back from our many, many activities and prioritize one thing at a time. And so, this is the flavor permeating the New Moon, an important reminder to be aware of as we move forward with typical Capricorn determination and persistence.
The square of La Luna to the Nodes is also a karmic signal of destiny at play.
Whatever we direct our efforts into will be emphasized, enhanced, and subject to twists of fate over the next few months.
Nodal energy is not something we’re always in control of. We may have one foot in the past and the other in the present, feeling torn. It’s essential to release old patterns so that we can move forward, boldly and without fear.Staying in a comfort zone is tempting, but the future beckons—our soul is calling out to us. New structures are on the horizon, new responsibilities, new goals, new efforts. Let us heed that call by willingly shouldering that mantle of duty and bravely walk into the creative energy and authority waiting for us.