New Moon in Gemini
The New Moon in the sign of the Cosmic Twins on June 6 is curious, clever, and communicative. La Luna reflects within us a desire to learn something new, to pursue knowledge just for the sheer pleasure of it. Thus, these next several months see many of us embarking on a journey of curiosity, fueled by a desire to connect to our community. After all, what could possibly be better than learning something fascinating with like-minded souls?
Gemini’s symbol, aside from the Twins, is also the Magician. The Magician is a Master Manifestor, making this New Moon a time in which we may walk between worlds, aligning the material with the spiritual. Where could this theme be showing up for you now?
Change and variety are key concepts during this time, in which we may find that our thirst for something different is almost unquenchable. Gemini Season is all about searching for everything we don’t know yet. Once we’ve found that piece of the puzzle, we move onto the next sweet flower, having gathered all the nectar that we can. We then spread this nectar, creating powerful networks and colonies. Like the honeybee, Gemini is intent on collecting as much information as possible. Knowledge truly is power, for this most brilliant of signs.
Yes, this hunger can, at times, lead to overwhelm. So, perhaps it’s perhaps not such a bad thing that Saturn, the great Limiter, is linked to this New Moon via a strong square aspect. This configuration reminds us that the information we consume has to be of high quality. That the options facing us have to be chosen in a way that reflects an attitude of realism. After all, there are only so many hours in a day. We can’t do it all.
Consequently, pursuing any new intentions needs to be done with a healthy dose of common sense and awareness of our own limitations. We need to be prepared for obstacles, tests, and challenges that are undoubtedly going to come our way. Our journey might be an uphill one, whether that’s a physical journey or one of the mind. If we’re studying, for example, we need to be disciplined. If we’re traveling, we need to have a plan. If we’re networking, we need to recognize our own flaws and insecurities, as well as those of others. Gently does it, says this New Moon.
The fortunate conjunction of the ruler of Gemini, Mercury,
to La Luna, soothes these Saturnian energies, lending the insight and
intelligence that we need to overcome difficult circumstances. His conjunction
to Jupiter and trine to Pluto invites a plethora of solutions and the ability
to see into the depth of any situation. Embarking on a talk-based therapeutic
program, for example, may be just the key we need to make those mental
breakthroughs. This is a time of deep, expansive thinking and of connecting beautifully
to those who can open up transformative vistas for us to meander through over
the coming months.