New Moon in Libra


A New Moon darkens the night sky on September 25th, inviting us to collectively tune into the truth of our relationships. In Libra, it’s all about balance, give and take, fairness, negotiation and of course, compromise. Libra’s shadow side is indecisiveness and overthinking, both of which are themes critical to this lunation.

Ruled by Venus in analytical Virgo, we could be swept up in over-analyzing, overthinking and nitpicking. The lady of love is in fall in this sign, and whenever a planet is in fall, it invites us to go about whatever that planet represents in a new and unusual way. How can you do relationships differently? What needs to change? What balance can you bring in? These are all questions to ponder during this New Moon.

Listening to our intuition will be extra-important, seeing as both Mercury (now retrograde) and Venus are opposing Neptune. Neptune has the tendency to baffle and confuse an issue, often leading us down the wrong rabbit hole altogether. If we don’t sharpen our sixth sense and brush up on listening to our gut, we may fall right down that hole.

It’s also important to note that oppositions are often about external people or situations coming into our lives, bringing us some sort of choice or event. Look around you. What is the Universe placing on your doorstep? If you’re feeling confused, use guided visualization meditations to light your way, or engage the services of a good hypnotherapist. Energy healing is also likely to go a long way towards grounding and centering our bodies, minds and souls.

Neptune may also bring about deceptions, false illusions and projection. Projection is a tricky one – when we are in this state, it’s hard to take ownership of what’s ours, and what belongs to someone else. in order to manifest the healthiest kind of relationship, we have to draw a line. Talking to a trained counselor or trusted, objective friend may help to shed light onto the situation. Journaling may also be a tool to help draw us out of toxic projection and into alignment with Self and Other.

Although this is a New Moon, which generally indicates a new start, sometimes New Moons also bring about endings. Within those endings are new beginnings, so it’s important to look for the light, even if, symbolically and literally, New Moons are all darkness. From the darkness, new seeds can be sown. Because of Mercury retrograde, we will need to sit for a while with our decisions before jumping to conclusions. We may even find, in these mists, a new way forward, a way that offers a win-win solution for everyone involved.