New Moon in Pisces
The end of the month of Love is tender and sweet, gently illuminating the sign of the mystical fishes. It heralds a promising new beginning, especially seeing as the Moon's Nodes - markers of density, fate and karma - have now also slipped into Pisces.
This emphasizes and expands Piscean energies, energies often linked to spiritual practices that speak of unconditional love and compassion, forgiveness, surrender, art, music, and healing. It’s Christ-Consciousness energy, with the fishes anciently linked to the gnostic teachings of cosmic wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and enlightenment. This is Pisces in its highest, most promising evolution.
Where in our worlds do these beautiful, soulful themes fit in? How can we invite more love in, more surrender, expand our spiritual boundaries, and awaken? The urge to merge is strong with Pisces, moving our spirits to connect with all that is, to become One.
It can be overwhelming to feel all these feelings, particularly with Jupiter’s square to the Moon and Sun, which speaks to a potentially excessive desire for escape, a tendency to go over the top. We may think we can do it all over these next several months, when in fact, we’re only capable of so much.
Just because we might have superhuman powers doesn’t mean that we need to use them all.
Prioritizing our energy will become more and more important as we navigate our way to the Full Moon in Pisces, which will reveal the results of our current manifestations.
Practically speaking, this New Moon is about healing our souls, focusing on flow. It’s about releasing planning, trusting our intuition, listening to our hearts, and our connection to something much greater than ourselves.
Another powerful expression of Pisces is service. Where in our lives might we find more meaning? For even a mundane life can be deeply meaningful when we approach it with intention. If we find ourselves gravitating towards self-sacrifice, the question is to ask if this sacrifice is worth it. Is the end result something worth dying for, symbolically?
If so – if it’s a deep soul love, our spiritual path, our children – then perhaps it is worthy to give something up in order to gain something else. Communicating with our guides, angels, and ancestors becomes something we shouldn’t neglect to lean on. The veil is thin during this New Moon – our ability to walk between worlds comes more easily.
Avoiding the ‘woo-woo,’ the wishy-washy, the avoidance, and instead, tuning into depth, into presence without escaping – this is what will give us superpowers at this New Moon. Jupiter’s energy lends us the ideas, but our intellect isn’t where the real treasure lies. That treasure is somehow ethereal, untouchable, connected to when we cross that rainbow bridge between mind and soul.