New Moon in Taurus


On April 22nd, the New Moon will enter Taurus at 3 degrees. The Earthy sign Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. And this New Moon is ideal for initiating action, starting something new, or investing in your future. In the zodiac, the Taurus mantra is "I need.’ So during this time, it is important to ask ourselves,

What do we need to feel safe and secure? 

How do we get our needs met?

During this Taurus New Moon, our determination will be challenged. We will feel a need to complete certain plans and find fulfillment within; regardless of what obstacles stand in the way.

Uranus is loosely conjunct in Taurus and an even closer square to Saturn in Aquarius. The conjunction to Uranus means expect the unexpected. We should also anticipate increased social connectivity (via online). The square to Saturn asks us to be gentle with ourselves and tone down the internal monologue of criticism & cynicism. 

Let’s keep things light and earthy.

Uranus’ winds of change blow us sideways, but we don’t always have to lose everything. We can often reclaim new ground and bring essential updates to our foundation that we can build upon. 

Rather, we can rebuild what we had in a better way. It is an excellent time to release ourselves of the nonessential without regret. Taurus shows us what is truly valuable, introducing a strong vibration of energy with the potential for deep change and transformation.


“I sink my roots into strong foundations. I am safe. I am secure. I am strong. I open myself to nurturing, authentic relationships. I trust in the future that I am creating. I know that each step brings me towards my goals. I am supported fully by the Universe.” ~Ara