New Moon in Scorpio


It’s the first New Moon after Eclipse Season, making this an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start over. To emerge from what’s probably felt a little like chaos. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep in mind that the sign of the New Moon - Scorpio - rules the energies of crisis, change, transformation, death and rebirth. The cosmos isn’t playing small, and it’s up to us to evolve, or dissolve.


Gentle, sensitive, soft La Luna is in her ‘fall’ in Scorpio. This means that she’s not always able to function at her best. Because she rules emotions, we might feel our feelings intensely, overwhelmingly. The image that comes to mind is one of a still, vast lake, seemingly calm on the surface whilst teeming with life and (shadow) energy beneath. There's

 so much power available at this New Moon. If we’re able to access it, we’ll have the chance to make some important and long-lasting changes across any area we choose. Be it in our most intimate relationships (often a theme with Scorpio), career, finances or any other area, there's a cosmic opportunity now to prune, cut, purge and be reborn.


Mars, the ancient, traditional ruler of this New Moon, sits tightly conjunct the Luminaries, inspiring determined action. Whatever path we wish to commence upon, it’s essential to plan, strategize and calculate. To use the psychic, intuitive gifts of Scorpio to map out a future in which every aspect of our deepest needs are taken care of.


Opposing Uranus almost to the exact degree, all three planets and what they represent (Sun, Moon and Mars) are subject to sudden, unpredictable and exciting change. As such, the beginnings that unfold for us in these next several months are likely to turn out quite different from what we’ve imagined. So, within our strategy, can we find this space to be flexible and open to what the Universe brings? Can we keep in mind that while we may not get exactly what we want, we’ll certainly get what we need? One of the most profound lessons that Scorpio can teach us is the art of surrender. The art of letting go. This is to make way for the shedding of old skin that Scorpio is famous for - the rising from the ashes, as depicted by one of their ancient symbols, the Phoenix.


Trine Neptune, the intensity of this lunation is softened and spiritually transmuted into the energies of compassion and creativity. It allows us to access the Divine, in whatever form that takes - be it art, music, therapy, prayer, meditation or nature. Whether we're looking to take steps to heal our trauma or embrace change - both relevant themes - we’ll be supported and guided by our Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and Higher Selves. If we’re searching for signs of being on the right path, then Neptune will show us the way. Our task is to lean into the sense of Trust that this is all happening for us and our highest evolution.