Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
2025s Eclipse season has begun : it’s the first of a series of Eclipses in the healing-oriented, service-giving signs of Virgo and Pisces.
On March 14th, this powerful Lunar Eclipse in Virgo lights up the skies, bringing enormous focus to where it is in our world that the balance of rest and work, flow and control, the practical and the ethereal needs to be maintained.
The last time this pattern happened was over 2006 and 2007 : looking back, what themes may be reappearing for us now?
The South Node - what we need to release - is conjunct La Luna, revealing past patterns of over-planning, perfectionism, anxiety over the unknown, over all that we cannot possibly plan for. Here, our deepest neuroses are revealed, inviting the heart-opening energy of compassionate Pisces to step forward and soothe, calm, and gently, tenderly wash away our troubles in the faith that all will work out.
Because it always does.
Because, no matter how much we organize, structure, and manage the details, there’s room for a greater force, a force of grace, over this Eclipse - indeed, during this series of Eclipses.
Ruling this Eclipse is Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods. What is the message being whispered to us now? Can we take the time to listen? He’s just about to turn on his heel and move retrograde, heightening his energy and reminding us of the need to go slow, to delay impulse, to wisely look before we leap.
In Aries, the message is one of boldness, bravery, of perhaps stepping into the great unknown and being willing to let go of what - truly - does not serve us, in the spirit of Virgo and Pisces. Moving towards what feels intuitively right, what feels aligned, resonant, what feels like our soul - this is the essence of this supercharged Full Moon. And, any beginning often kicks off with a powerful ending, as we well know.
Opposing the Moon and conjunct the Sun is Saturn, a mere degree away from perfecting the aspects to each luminary. Saturn lends a sense of permanence, a grounded energy, a reality check. We may falter under the tough-love teacher’s stern glare, but when we rise up and do the work - the hard work - Saturn is tremendously rewarding. Overcoming insecurities, fears, and outer obstacles with determination supports us, particularly seeing as Saturn is angled to Mars in a productive, yet still emotionally-driven trine.
Speaking of trines, the Moon aligns to Uranus in this pattern, bringing forth the opportunity for surprise, for freedom from the patterns that bind - perhaps in unexpected ways. Once again, allowing flexibility and moving away from the control-oriented shadow aspect of Virgo is the key. What matters most now is our wellness - wellness of our body, yes, but also wellness of the spirit. Where have we lacked here? Where have we tended to our nutrition, our routine, our rituals, but forgotten our connection to the great all-that-is - our Souls? How can we regain the balance here? How can we stand strong against the temptation to escape, yet still know that escape from the ‘real world’ is sometimes necessary to preserve our soul? Neptune’s opposition gently nudges us to take good care and maintain our boundaries and to sift fiction from fact.
This is merely the beginning. Our Hero’s journey is off to a tremendous start.