True Node in Aries
When the North and South Nodes change signs, it shifts the backdrop both in our world and in our personal lives for 18 months. The North Node is the point based on the moon's ecliptic that indicates where we can benefit from placing our energy and focus and the South Node is a releasing point. These two nodes are the signs that the eclipses are usually in, though 2023 does pose some exception to that as the eclipse on October 28th 2023 is in Taurus. Eclipses are change portals and the nodes indicate what areas of our lives are in transition.
The North Node of integration and destiny in Aries indicates that people may take on a bit more self-centered and individualistic energy. Self-preservation is not at all a bad thing and is a beneficial space to occupy for this transit. People will generally be concerned with and less likely to sacrifice their individual rights and freedoms and likely we will see continued uprising around this in the world. Repressing anger will not be helpful or useful, nor taking it out on others, so finding a healthy outlet is a great choice. Aries also represents military action, so it’s likely we could see a continuation of this in 2023 and beyond.
Aries is a very physical planet so this may amplify certain challenges that need to be addressed within your body. Physical intuition also becomes heightened during this time so it’s important to listen to your instincts and your body’s wisdom. This is a great transit for deciding to implement a new physical fitness routine and to become physically stronger.
People will be looking for leaders and both will rise up in the community and in the world. Where you make daily choices in the direction of your ambitions and demonstrate strength of will, you will be rewarded. Many will be seeking self-sufficiency and to remove dependency. Take action!
The South Node in Libra indicates in the collective a shift in the way we do relationships moving forward. We may see a rise in divorce rates and breakups… people may not be able to ignore the waving red flags in their partnerships. This transit will challenge people-pleasing tendencies and will force people to place boundaries around their energy, which is a good thing. It will likely become uncomfortable to be dependent upon the wrong people or institutions. By not throwing out the baby with the bathwater, we are able to use the South Node in Libra to preserve the relationships that are actually in alignment with our true selves.
Honoring both Nodes is paramount. To do that, we’ll have to pass through the tests and fires of authentic relating. Relationships are cosmic opportunities to walk a spiritual path, to look into the mirror and to grow, learn and heal our wounds. It cannot be done if we are too fiercely independent (Aries) or overly dependent (Libra). With the Moon’s Nodes, so there’s always a sense of flow from one end to the other until we find the sweet stability in the middle. All relationships – not just romantic ones – are likely to be emphasized as we take this Hero’s Journey.
Whatever our relationship status is or will be, it’ll be essential to do the deep work, to keep in mind that it’s not a ‘You’ versus ‘Me’ situation. Many of us may face attachment wounds, whether we happen to be avoidant, anxious or somewhere in-between. Huge progress can be made when we are accountable for how we show up in our connections.
If you have the Sun or your rising sign in Libra, this may be a time of purging and clearing, where you may not get exactly what you want, but what you need. If you have the Sun or your rising sign in Aries this will be a time to revel in sacred selfishness through prioritizing your personal development. Likely you will meet some important people and find new pathways to take.
Seeing as these points are ruled by Mars and Venus, the transits of these planets over this period will more important – particularly their retrogrades. Venus is retrograde July 22nd – September 3rd, 2023, and Mars from December 2024 until February 2025. These will be peak times to reflect on whether this important relationship work has been done, or if there’s more that we could bring to the table. This is a golden opportunity to invite our truest selves to our bonds and find a place of deep sharing, integrity, and authentic connection.