Pholus Sextile Lilith

"I have the power to uncover hidden truths, embrace my shadows, and create a partnership built on personal freedom and self-expression."

Embracing authentic selves courageously
Exploring shadow side constructively
Exploring hidden desires and fears
Creating a safe space

Pholus Sextile Lilith

In your composite chart, the aspect between Pholus and Lilith is a harmonious sextile. This connection suggests that there is potential for tapping into hidden and transformative energies in your partnership. Pholus symbolizes the process of uncovering deep truths and revelations, while Lilith represents the unconscious and primal aspects within us.

With this aspect, you have the opportunity to explore and embrace the shadow side of your relationship in a constructive manner. It encourages you to confront any hidden or repressed emotions, desires, or fears that may be affecting your partnership. By bringing these aspects to light, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourselves and each other.

This aspect may also bring about a sense of liberation and empowerment, as it allows you to break free from societal norms and expectations. It invites you to embrace your authentic selves, even if it means going against the grain. By honoring your individuality and unique qualities, you can create a partnership that is built on personal freedom and self-expression.

Reflect on how you can navigate the depths of your relationship together. How can you create a safe space for exploring your hidden desires and fears? How can you support one another in embracing your true selves and breaking free from societal expectations? By actively engaging with these questions, you can unlock the transformative potential of this aspect and foster a deeper connection in your partnership.