Eris in 10th House


Eris in 10th House

As Eris, the planet of discord and disruption, finds its way into your 10th House, it brings forth a unique energy that challenges the conventional norms and structures of society. This placement signifies a need for you to question and challenge the established authority figures and systems that you encounter in your professional life.

You possess a rebellious spirit that urges you to break free from the limitations and expectations imposed by society. Your desire for autonomy and individuality may clash with traditional career paths and societal expectations of success. You thrive when you can express your true self authentically, even if it means taking unconventional routes to achieve your goals.

Embrace the chaos and disruption that Eris brings to your career and reputation. Instead of seeing it as a hindrance, view it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Allow yourself to question the existing power structures and find ways to introduce positive change and innovation.

Reflect on how you can navigate the tension between your need for independence and the demands of the professional world. How can you align your unique vision and desire for authenticity with the expectations and responsibilities of your career? How can you challenge existing systems and bring about positive change without creating unnecessary conflict? Embrace the transformative energy of Eris in your 10th House, and let it guide you towards a career that aligns with your true purpose.