Eris in 7th House


Eris in 7th House

As you delve into the depths of the seventh house, you encounter Eris, the celestial body of discord and disruption. In this placement, Eris challenges the harmonious flow of relationships, stirring the pot and instigating conflicts. But fear not, for within this cosmic chaos lies an opportunity for growth.

Embrace the presence of Eris in your seventh house as a catalyst for transformation. Allow yourself to question the traditional dynamics of partnerships and delve deeper into the underlying power struggles. Explore the unconventional and unconventional aspects of your relationships, for it is through these disruptions that true evolution can occur.

Consider the role that conflict plays in your relationships. How do disagreements and discord shape your bonds? Are there patterns of tension that continuously arise, revealing deeper truths about the dynamics at play? Reflect on your reactions to conflict and whether they serve to perpetuate or resolve the discord.

As you navigate the turbulent waters of the seventh house, Eris urges you to examine the power dynamics within your partnerships. Are there imbalances that need to be addressed? How can you assert your own needs and boundaries while still honoring the autonomy and individuality of your partner? Seek a balance between independence and interdependence, fostering a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding.