Lilith in Leo


Lilith in Leo

Lilith in Leo in the composite chart suggests that the dynamic and expressive energy of Leo may be influenced by the intense and sometimes hidden qualities associated with Lilith. Here are four areas of life that may be affected:

1. Creativity and self-expression: Lilith in Leo may bring a passionate and unique approach to creativity, often pushing boundaries and challenging traditional norms. Self-expression may be intense and bold, with a desire to assert individuality.

2. Relationships and romance: In partnerships, Lilith in Leo may indicate a need for recognition and admiration. There may be a tendency for power struggles or a desire to dominate the relationship. Balancing personal desires with the needs of the partnership is important.

3. Leadership and authority: The combination of Leo's natural leadership qualities and Lilith's intensity can create a powerful drive to assert authority. This placement may bring a rebellious streak, challenging existing power structures.

4. Inner confidence and self-image: Lilith in Leo may influence the composite's sense of self-worth and self-image. There may be a need to confront and heal any hidden wounds related to self-esteem, finding strength and authenticity in embracing individuality.