Lilith Trine Natal Venus


Lilith Aspects

Lilith's Echo in the Natal Chart

In the intricacies of a birth chart, Black Moon Lilith symbolizes the raw essence of femininity, the primal urges, and the suppressed parts of our psyche that lie in the shadows. This point, not a planet but a mathematical point, reveals where one might feel estranged, challenged, or empowered to go against the grain of societal norms. It unveils deep-seated desires, innate instincts, and perhaps the areas where one feels the need to challenge established roles or expectations. It's a place of power, mystique, and, occasionally, friction – pinpointing where one's true nature might clash with the conventional, leading to feelings of marginalization or rebellion.

Unveiling the Shadow Self with Lilith

Lilith's placement in the natal chart beckons a deep dive into the uncharted waters of the soul. It prompts introspection into areas where one seeks true autonomy, no matter the cost. It might be where suppressed anger or feelings of being 'othered' come to the surface, challenging societal expectations and demanding authenticity. Yet, in recognizing and integrating Lilith's energy, there lies the potential for empowerment and profound self-acceptance. By acknowledging this shadowy presence in one's chart, individuals can embrace their true essence, redefining personal boundaries and celebrating the untamed and unapologetic facets of their nature.

Lilith Trine Natal Venus

Expressing your authentic truths within your relationships comes with ease. You’re naturally vocal about expressing your wants and desires in your relationships and owning your likes and dislikes. Respect in your relationships is very important to you, and you may be inclined to assert your boundaries in your relationships if this isn’t shown. By affirming your boundaries, you inspire others around you to do the same.

This is a great time to reveal who you really are in your close relationships. Previously you may have been hiding parts of yourself from other people, in fear that they may not be able to understand you. This transit will lift the veils of your personality, so that you can connect with others in a more true and authentic way. This may illuminate that it was unconscious fears that was hindering you from being yourself. Alternatively, this period could highlight that some of your relationships no longer resonate with who you are today. 

Additionally, you’re likely to gravitate towards people who are very open in being themselves, as you will use them as a source of inspiration. 

To journey further into the road of self-acceptance, the kinks and quirks of your personality will likely be seen during this time. Practicing the art of non-judgement of yourself and others, will serve you long after this transit has finished.  


Content by Sade The Astrology Vixen