Mars Conjunct Ascendant

" I embrace my impulsive nature and use it as fuel to create meaningful connections and express myself authentically."

Developing Creative Life Goals
Finding Your Direction Forward
Respecting Other’s Opinion
Learning to Compromise

Mars Aspects

Mars represents our ambition, energy, action and desire. It rules our basic instincts of aggression, anger and survival. There is often no contemplation before action when it comes to this primal energy. All our sexual desires come under Mars. This is the raw physical energy as opposed to the creative energy of the sun. With good Mars placement we are assertive, directed and forthright with bad placement we an be impulsive,rash and aggressive. In your chart, Mars shows your basic animal nature, how you express anger and what gets you angry and more importantly what makes you act.

Mars Conjunct Ascendant

Mars Conjunct your Natal Ascendant makes you more impulsive in your actions. You may appear to others as a little edgy or nervous, but you tend to have good relationships and are a great talker. You also are quite independent and have a solid ego. Your personality should be well developed, and you will have an abundance of energy. You enjoy sports, either as a participant or as a spectator, especially when your side wins. You find it difficult to relax and be still, always needing to be on the go or doing something, but often not quite sure what. As a result, you can waste a lot of time and useful energy just fiddling around and getting nowhere. You are not afraid to speak your own mind. While this can at times be a positive quality, you tend to speak without giving thought to the effects of your words on other people, you can say hurtful or annoying things without even realizing it. It would also help for you to learn the art of compromise. You usually state your opinions forcefully and then expect others to go along with you. Developing a little self-discipline in asserting yourself can enhance your tremendous creativity. Your physical vitality may be strong, and you may feel that you have a good energy reserve which can be further enhanced by staying physically fit and active.