Psyche Trine Moon

"I embrace my innate understanding of receptivity and guide others through their personal journeys, with honesty and intuition."

Guiding others through cycles
Recognizing patterns and emotions
Harnessing intuitive gifts
Deepening self-understanding

Psyche Trine Moon

When Psyche and the Moon, two aspects of the divine feminine, interact with each other this can create depth in someone. With these two archetypes connected, you are a person who innately understands receptivity, being able to feel through experiences, as well as understanding natural cycles of human life. You may find that you can actually guide others through their personal full moons and new moons. This demands honesty with yourself and others, as the moon can sometimes indicate where we go unconscious, which is where the shadow of Psyche comes out, which can look like jealousy or fixation.

You have an uncanny ability to read others and recognize patterns. The ability to understand the contents of people’s emotions, motivations and hidden desires should be used responsibly. This can be incredibly useful for friends who seek your advice and working with the public in a care or service based role would be a natural extension of this aspect. Even with the trine, it is wise to be mindful of your tendency to ruminate or pick situations apart. Creative and intuitive gifts abound.