Saturn Sextile Saturn


Saturn Aspects

Saturn rules our conditioning or the way we were taught and brought up in the world. It is associated with restriction and limitation but with this it brings structure and meaning to the world and our lives. It reminds us of our boundaries, responsibilities and commitments. It is often associated with a father or authority figures. Saturns lessons actually help us to grow. In you chart the position of Saturn reveals you limitations, fears and sense of responsibility.

Saturn Sextile Saturn

Saturn Sextile Saturn is a harmonious aspect that brings stability, discipline, and self-discipline. It signifies an opportunity for personal growth and self-mastery. Here are four areas of life that may be affected:

  1. Career: A sextile between Saturn allows for steady progress in career goals. It brings a strong work ethic, patience, and an ability to plan and execute long-term strategies.
  2. Self-development: This aspect encourages self-reflection, introspection, and a desire for personal growth. It supports a disciplined approach to self-improvement, leading to increased self-awareness and emotional maturity.
  3. Relationships: Saturn Sextile Saturn fosters commitment, reliability, and stability in relationships. It encourages taking responsibility for personal actions and facilitates the development of healthy boundaries and long-lasting partnerships.
  4. Financial stability: This aspect promotes financial prudence, responsible money management, and a long-term perspective on financial goals. It encourages patience and perseverance in building a solid financial foundation.