Venus Sextile Uranus

"I am able to foster harmony within myself and extend it to the world around me, creating a more harmonious and compassionate society."

Fostering harmony within yourself
Extending harmony to others
Promoting harmony in society
Cultivating inner harmony

Venus Aspects

Venus represents our feminine or sensual nature. It rules over two areas of life : love and money. Venus rules our sentiments, what we value and pleasure including grace and charm. Venus rules the arts, love and romance, beauty entertainment and comfort. We look to venus in your chart to identify how we approach our relationships whether through security, conquest or adventure and what things in life bring you most pleasure

Venus Sextile Uranus

With Venus sextile Uranus, you possess a unique social awareness that allows you to engage in fulfilling relationships with others. Your interactions have a transformative impact, both creatively and beneficially, on all involved. Your open-mindedness and ability to empathize draw people towards you, often seeking your counsel and guidance. Your natural diplomacy stems from your genuine honesty and authenticity, empowering you to resolve conflicts without manipulation.

Your ability to foster harmony extends beyond personal relationships. By creating harmonious environments, even within your immediate surroundings, you contribute to building a better world. Recognizing that every oasis of harmony has a ripple effect, you understand the profound impact small acts of peace can have on a larger scale. The impulses of Venus-Uranus find satisfaction in your endeavors to promote unity and understanding.

As you navigate the complexities of social dynamics, consider the following reflection: How can you further cultivate a sense of harmony within yourself and extend it to the world around you? By exploring this question, you may discover new ways to utilize the powerful energy of Venus sextile Uranus, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and compassionate society.