Eris in 12th House


Eris in 12th House

Eris in the 12th House suggests an individual who may have a deep sense of inner turmoil and restlessness. This asteroid's placement in the 12th House highlights themes of hidden power struggles and unconscious conflicts. It is important to approach this interpretation with sensitivity, as it touches upon the more shadowy aspects of the individual's psyche.

1. Spiritual Journey: Eris in the 12th House may indicate a need for the individual to explore hidden layers of their spirituality. They may feel compelled to delve into the depths of their subconscious in order to find meaning and purpose in their spiritual beliefs.

2. Unconscious Patterns: The presence of Eris in the 12th House suggests that the individual may have unconscious patterns of behavior that can lead to conflict and disruption in their relationships. They may need to become more aware of these patterns in order to bring about transformation and healing.

3. Self-Sabotage: There may be a tendency for the individual to self-sabotage their own goals and aspirations. They may struggle with feelings of not being deserving of success or happiness, which can manifest as self-destructive behaviors.

4. Healing and Transformation: Eris in the 12th House offers the potential for deep healing and transformation. The individual may be drawn to therapeutic modalities that help them to uncover and integrate their hidden wounds and shadow aspects.