Transit Chiron in 3rd House

"I am capable of healing my communication wounds and finding my own unique mode of expression."

Expanding your vocabulary skills
Empowering others in communication
Transforming your thought patterns
Healing your communication wounds

Transit Chiron in 3rd House

When Chiron transits your natal third house there could be some emotional wounds and suffering connected with your communication. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to suffer some kind of impairment with your speech or lose your ability to speak. I believe it is emotional in the third house it govern communications, however in a lot of cases this could mean that you don't really make yourself readily understood or you have a little bit of a harder time articulating your thoughts or assimilating and processiong information.

It could be a time where you may make statements that are ambiguous or might be misconstrued by others. This could be also a period where there might be some difficulties with siblings. if you do have them maybe the situation with become somewhat combative or contentious

You might have some problems with neighbors during this time if you're somebody that doesn't have any siblings maybe there's some old wounds resurfacing connecting with communication problems in the past. 

On the positive side this could indicate that you could help others in matters with communications you could work as a translator or you can decide enhance you own vocabulary or help others become more articulate helping others with grammar.

You may need to heal your mind and ability to communicate. Knowledge, communication and thinking will be affected perhaps by having difficulty expressing yourself and being heard by others. Being obsessive about gathering information leading to confusion or have destructive or negative thought patterns. Healing comes from speaking your truth by learning the value of your own thoughts and finding your own unique mode of expression.