Transit Chiron in 8th House

"I embrace the power within me and find balance between my desires and my higher self."

Confronting unconscious desire for power
Experiencing true inner power
Finding balance between animalistic and divine nature
Healing the wounds of victimization

Transit Chiron in 8th House

When Chiron transits your 8th house there signifies a struggle with desires such sex, money, power, and immortality.

Chiron in the eighth creates a gigantic karmic crisis over Plutonian issues. One way or another, true power needs to be experienced in order to confront the unconscious desire for absolute control and immortality. You can be very dangerous to yourself and others when if you dont own your own power.

 There may be problems in your life around areas of finances, mortality, and hidden matters such as an encounter with death early in life, perhaps a birth trauma or life-threatening illness. Being fascinated with death and your own potential destructiveness. Personal growth experienced as a life or death struggle or having difficulty achieving financial self-sufficiency. Generally, you can be a good yet wounded person, who can experience victimization or exploitations from people with darker souls than you.

Chiron is about healing and the reconciliation of that pain and struggle. Ultimately, it is about finding a workable balance between our physical and divine natures – between our animalistic and survival nature and our higher mind and awareness. Healing comes from integrating the dark sides of the soul and making peace with your deepest instinctual self.