Transit Eris in 8th House

"I am ready to confront my deepest fears and embrace the transformative power within me."

Reassessing your approach to relationships
Exploring your psyche depths
Reflecting on relationships and boundaries
Exploring hidden insecurities

Transit Eris in 8th House

As Transit Eris moves into your 8th House, it signals a period of profound transformation and self-discovery. The 8th House represents the realms of intimacy, shared resources, and the mysteries of life and death. Eris, known in mythology as the goddess of discord, challenges you to confront any unresolved issues and hidden aspects within these areas of your life.

This transit invites you to explore the depths of your psyche and face any fears or insecurities that may arise. It may bring to the surface buried emotions, power struggles, or issues related to trust and control. Embrace this opportunity as a catalyst for growth and rebirth. By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects, you can ultimately experience a profound healing and transformation.

Reflect on how you relate to others on an intimate level. Are there any patterns of control, manipulation, or possessiveness that need to be addressed? Are you open to vulnerability and authentic connection? This transit offers you the chance to reassess your approach to relationships and redefine your boundaries.

Additionally, the 8th House governs shared resources, including finances and inheritances. During this transit, it is important to be mindful of any power struggles or conflicts that may arise regarding money or joint ventures. Reflect on your relationship with money and question whether it aligns with your values and desires.