Transit Eros in 2nd House

"I am capable of aligning my desires with my true values, cultivating a sense of self-worth and creating meaningful connections."

Exploring your true values
Establishing deeper connections
Reflecting on true values
Aligning desires with authenticity

Transit Eros in 2nd House

As Eros, the asteroid representing passion and desire, transits through your 2nd House, it brings a heightened focus on your values, possessions, and self-worth. Your desires may be intensified, and you may find yourself seeking deeper connections and experiences that align with what you truly value in life.

This transit invites you to explore the role of passion and desire in your personal resources and material possessions. You may find that you have a greater desire for pleasure and enjoyment, seeking to surround yourself with beauty and luxury. It's important to reflect on whether your desires are aligned with your true values and whether they contribute to your overall sense of self-worth.

During this transit, you may also notice an increased desire for emotional and physical intimacy. You may feel a magnetic pull towards others, seeking to establish deeper connections and experiences that go beyond superficial interactions. It's important to be mindful of your boundaries and ensure that your desires are rooted in mutual respect and consent.

Reflect on how your desires and passions are influencing your relationship with your possessions and self-worth. Are you being true to yourself and honoring your values, or are you being driven solely by fleeting desires? Use this transit as an opportunity to explore and redefine what truly matters to you, and how you can align your desires with your authentic self.